Hopelessly swiping through real estate listings, in search of ‘the one’? Finding the right home can feel a lot like dating—endless scrolling, red flags, and the occasional heartbreak when something great is lost (in a bidding war; we’re still talking about real estate here.)
Buyers can no longer afford to wait for their true love to pop up on Zillow in today’s stunted housing market. Real estate success, like dating success, requires a more proactive approach. Buyers need to make the first move to get what they really want.
Enter Unlisted, a new AI-driven platform that allows buyers to find off-market dream homes and connect with the homeowners to explore the possibility of a transaction now or in the future. Buyers can send a care package including a small gift and personal note, a Valentine if you will, letting the homeowner know their home caught the buyer’s eye.
For homeowners, Unlisted offers a low-pressure way to uncover interest in their property without the big commitment of a public listing. Sometimes the right buyer comes along at just the right time, and a simple note can lead to unexpected opportunities.
“Everyone has a house crush, you know, a house or two they daydream about living in one day,” said Katie Hill, founder & CEO of Unlisted. “Too often a simple lack of communication between homeowners and buyers leaves opportunities unrequited. Unlisted is fixing this. We’re the Cupid of real estate!”
Visit UnlistedHomes.com to learn more.
Visit UnlistedHomes.com to learn more.
About Unlisted
Unlisted is an AI-powered real estate technology platform designed to reveal off-market property opportunities. By leveraging machine learning, the company creates more dynamic, efficient market opportunities for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals. For more information, visit https://unlistedhomes.com.