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The Global Kratom Coalition Responds to Bloomberg Report, Calls for Evidence-Based Regulation and Education on Kratom Use

September 16, 2024 11:05 AM
(EZ Newswire)
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The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC), a leading advocate for responsible kratom use and evidence-based policy, welcomes Bloomberg's recent investigative report on kratom. The GKC believes this coverage provides an opportunity for further dialogue and a more nuanced understanding of this complex topic.

"We appreciate Bloomberg’s balanced reporting in their recent investigative report on kratom. This is a complex topic, and as such we believe it's essential to highlight certain critical aspects of this multifaceted issue," said Matthew Lowe, Executive Director of the Global Kratom Coalition.

Key Points Highlighted by the GKC

1. Regulatory framework: The GKC believes that clear and comprehensive regulations are essential for ensuring the safe and responsible use of kratom. To achieve this, we propose a series of regulatory measures designed to address consumer safety. The GKC advocates for comprehensive kratom regulations, including:

  • Clear legal definitions for various kratom products 
  • Manufacturing standards and labeling requirements 
  • No adulterated or synthetic kratom products 
  • Prohibition on sales to individuals under the age of 21 
  • No marketing of kratom to children 
  • Mandatory vendor registration and product testing 
  • Mechanism and funding for meaningful enforcement of these regulations 

A regulatory framework is a much better option for consumers. Thirteen states have passed kratom regulations that serve to protect consumers whilst preserving access to kratom, and many more are considering regulations. However, that leaves many states where no laws have been passed, with a regulatory gap. 

2. Not all kratom is equal: It is essential to distinguish between kratom leaf, concentrated extracts that match the chemical profile of the kratom raw material used, kratom alkaloid isolates, and, more recently, the rise in synthetically derived products that inaccurately call themselves kratom. 

Kratom leaf is an Old Dietary Ingredient (ODI) with a long history of traditional safe use in Southeast Asia. Kratom extracts are either ODIs or New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs) that are required to submit a New Dietary Ingredient Notification (NDIN) prior to marketing and sale. Isolated, purified, semi-synthetic, or synthetic alkaloids, like 7-hydroxymitragynine (7OH) isolates, are novel substances that are no longer kratom and should be subject to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) process for drug approval as established in the Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic Act.

3. Comparative risk assessment: A comparative analysis of CDC, FDA, and Poison Control Center data reveals that the risk profile of kratom is notably different from other commonly used substances. For example, kratom-associated fatalities are significantly lower than those linked to legal substances like tobacco or alcohol. Additionally, US Poison Control Center statistics show that kratom-related calls are similar in number to those for energy drinks and considerably lower than those for many over-the-counter medications. This doesn't mean kratom is without risk, but it does highlight the importance of informed decision-making when considering any substance.

4. Understanding dependence: While regular, excessive consumption of kratom use can lead to physical dependence, its abuse potential is considered much lower than that of classic opioids, like oxycodone or morphine. Studies suggest that individuals with a kratom use disorder primarily fall into mild or moderate categories, like patterns seen with caffeine use.

5. Problems with prohibition: Prohibition has consistently proven ineffective in addressing public health issues and kratom is no exception. Instead of making products inaccessible, which drives the market underground, regulators should focus on regulating kratom products to ensure safety and transparency for consumers.

6. Educating stakeholders: We have identified significant knowledge gaps about kratom among consumers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. The GKC is spearheading initiatives to disseminate accurate, research-based information on both the benefits and potential risks of kratom.

7. Nuanced understanding: As emphasized in the documentary, the true nature of kratom lies between extremes. GKC acknowledges the potential benefits of kratom for many users while also recognizing the importance of responsible use and ongoing research. We aim to foster dialogue between kratom advocates and individuals with concerns about kratom use, promoting a balanced, fact-based approach. The Kratom Consumer Advisory Council has been formed to allow the voices of all individuals who have experience with kratom, whether positive or negative, to be heard.

The GKC remains dedicated to advancing responsible kratom use through science-driven policies, regulations, and industry standards.

About the Global Kratom Coalition

The Global Kratom Coalition is an alliance of kratom consumers, experts, and industry leaders dedicated to protecting and expanding access to kratom worldwide. The coalition focuses on advancing scientific research, driving consumer education, and developing robust regulations that protect consumers.