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Global Kratom Coalition Supports Indonesian Regulatory Development for Kratom

August 12, 2024 7:14 PM
(EZ Newswire)
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Photo: Global Kratom Coalition - August 12, 2024 (EZ Newswire)
Photo: Global Kratom Coalition - August 12, 2024 (EZ Newswire)
The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) announces its strong support for the recent regulatory developments initiated by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo and led by Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko. These efforts aim to improve the cultivation of kratom and the quality of kratom exports. This is a crucial step to improving the kratom supply chain and, ultimately, kratom product quality.  

Acting on President Widodo’s directive, Moeldoko emphasized the necessity of protecting farmers and ensuring kratom's safe, standardized export. This initiative aligns with the President’s focus on kratom's benefits while ensuring compliance with health and safety standards.

Matthew Lowe, Executive Director of the Global Kratom Coalition, stated, "The Global Kratom Coalition fully supports the regulatory developments led by Moeldoko, which will ensure the safe and responsible trading of kratom, benefiting both farmers and consumers." He added, "This initiative marks a significant step towards safeguarding kratom's economic potential while adhering to health and safety standards."

The proactive stance of the Indonesian government in regulating kratom will ensure that kratom entering export markets is uncontaminated and fit for human consumption. Lowe further commented, "Moeldoko's directive aligns perfectly with our mission to advocate for kratom's safe and responsible use, ensuring consumer safety is put first."

With over 44 million kratom trees thriving in regions like West Kalimantan, the standardization in export practices will foster a regulated market, protecting farmers and promoting responsible use globally.

The GKC commends the Indonesian government for its commitment to exploring kratom’s full potential and ensuring its development is in accordance with health and safety principles.

For more information, visit Global Kratom Coalition.

About the Global Kratom Coalition

The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) exists to protect and expand access to leaf-based kratom around the world. The organization represents the interests of advocates committed to positive change benefiting consumers. The organization supports education and the development of kratom science, which is central to the GKC’s mission—to empower individuals worldwide with access to safe and responsibly sourced kratom products by advancing scientific research and sensible regulation.

The GKC operates on five key values:

  • Access: The belief that individuals should have a choice as to how they look after their health, informed by the latest unbiased information available.
  • Education: Providing accurate, evidence-based information about kratom (including on our website), allowing consumers to make informed decisions.
  • Advocacy: Serving as a united voice for kratom consumers worldwide, seeking fair and sensible regulations that prioritize consumer safety, freedom of information, and good sourcing and manufacturing practices while recognizing that not all kratom is equal.
  • Community: Fostering a global group of enthusiasts, experts, vendors, and advocates to promote the benefits of kratom and fight for informed and responsible use.
  • Responsibility: Promoting the responsible use of kratom and encouraging vendors to adhere to strict quality and safety standards so that consumers have access to products that are safe, well-manufactured, and appropriately labeled.

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Byron Johnson
+1 202-680-8129