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Global Kratom Coalition Releases Report on Substance Use Disorder and Relative Risks of Multiple Common Substances

Report compares prevalence, severity, and symptom endorsement for heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, opioids, cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, kratom, caffeine, and ultra-processed food

July 29, 2024 1:07 PM
(EZ Newswire)
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The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) today released a groundbreaking report, "Comprehensive Report on Substance Use Disorder: Prevalence, Severity, and Symptom Endorsement", providing a detailed analysis of Substance Use Disorders (SUD) across a wide spectrum of substances. This report, based on data from reputable sources including the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and various scientific studies, evaluates the prevalence, severity, and specific symptom endorsements associated with substances such as heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, opioids, cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, kratom, caffeine, and ultra-processed food.

The analysis compares the SUD profiles of these substances, utilizing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria to offer insights into their relative impacts. Key findings reveal that heroin, methamphetamine, and opioids exhibit the highest prevalence rates of SUD, with 86%, 68%, and 69% of users developing addiction, respectively. In contrast, kratom shows a moderate prevalence of 30%, suggesting a lower risk compared to highly addictive substances.

"This data offers insights for a wide variety of stakeholders such as researchers, public health experts, consumers, and policymakers," said Matthew Lowe, Executive Director of the Global Kratom Coalition. "We believe this is a first-of-its-kind report showing the relatively lower and higher risks of addiction comparing many substances, presenting data that can help guide decisions about benefits while advocating for mindful use and monitoring."

The severity of SUD also varies significantly across substances, with heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine showing high rates of severe addiction. In contrast, substances like caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, and kratom present a more favorable severity profile, with a majority of users experiencing mild to moderate addiction. This underscores each substance’s unique position in the landscape.

The report further categorizes symptom endorsements across substances, highlighting differences in impaired control, social impairment, risky use, and physical dependence. Kratom users predominantly endorse symptoms related to impaired control and physical dependence, with less emphasis on social impairment and risky use compared to substances like heroin and alcohol.

"The extensive data presented in this report highlights the relative nature of SUD and addiction across a landscape of substances. By examining the prevalence, severity, and symptom endorsement of SUD, we gain a deeper understanding of addiction's complexity. Understanding the risk profiles can reinforce public policy and individual informed decision making,” said Lowe. "It is important to note, not all kratom is equal. Research from leading kratom scientists highlights that not all kratom products are the same. Proper labeling and manufacturing standards are crucial to mitigate risks associated with kratom products."

The "Comprehensive Report on Substance Use Disorder" draws on data from reputable studies including NSDUH for traditional substances and specific studies on kratom, caffeine, and ultra-processed food addiction severity. This multi-sourced approach ensures a comprehensive view of substance use patterns and their impacts on public health.

For more information and to access the full report, click here.

About the Global Kratom Coalition

The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) exists to protect and expand access to leaf-based kratom around the world. The organization represents the interests of advocates committed to positive change benefiting consumers. The organization supports education and the development of kratom science, which is central to the GKC’s mission—to empower individuals worldwide with access to safe and responsibly sourced kratom products by advancing scientific research and sensible regulation.

The GKC operates on five key values:

  • Access: The belief that individuals should have a choice as to how they look after their health, informed by the latest unbiased information available.
  • Education: Providing accurate, evidence-based information about kratom (including on our website), allowing consumers to make informed decisions.
  • Advocacy: Serving as a united voice for kratom consumers worldwide, seeking fair and sensible regulations that prioritize consumer safety, freedom of information, and good sourcing and manufacturing practices while recognizing that not all kratom is equal.
  • Community: Fostering a global group of enthusiasts, experts, vendors, and advocates to promote the benefits of kratom and fight for informed and responsible use.
  • Responsibility: Promoting the responsible use of kratom and encouraging vendors to adhere to strict quality and safety standards so that consumers have access to products that are safe, well-manufactured, and appropriately labeled.

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