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Global Kratom Coalition Releases Comprehensive Report on Kratom Safety and Risk

Kratom's safety and addiction potential are more closely aligned with commonplace substances like caffeine

July 29, 2024 1:04 PM
(EZ Newswire)
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Today, the Global Kratom Coalition released a groundbreaking report titled "Understanding Kratom: A Comparative Risk and Safety Analysis." The report offers an in-depth examination of kratom's safety profile, contextualizing its risks relative to other commonly used substances. 

The report compares kratom's risk profile with that of other legal and illicit substances using publicly available data from adverse events reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Poison Control Center calls, and data on prevalence, severity, and symptom endorsement of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) criteria as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5). 

Analysis of Poison Control Center calls from 2017 to 2022 reveals that kratom-related incidents are considerably lower than those for opioids and alcohol. In that timeframe, calls to Poison Control Centers regarding kratom were significantly fewer compared to other substances, such as opioids and alcohol. This indicates that kratom is less likely to cause acute health emergencies.

"When substances are viewed in isolation, their safety or abuse potential can be misjudged. This is particularly true for kratom, a substance often criticized for its perceived risks. Overall, the low incidence rate suggests that kratom is less likely to cause immediate health crises," said Matthew Lowe, Executive Director of the Global Kratom Coalition.

Corresponding with the surge in consumer interest in kratom, the report also examines mortality rates using Poison Control Data from 2019 to 2022, showing that kratom has a relatively low mortality rate. Data from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) indicate a decrease in deaths involving only kratom from 2019 to 2021. This evidence collectively highlights that while kratom poses risks, they are significantly smaller than those associated with many other substances.

Further analysis of the prevalence of SUD using DSM-5 criteria reveals stark contrasts with other frequently misused substances. Heroin shows an 85.79% addiction rate among users, with 61.00% of cases classified as severe. Methamphetamine and opioids also exhibit high prevalence rates of 67.50% and 68.59%, respectively, with substantial portions of users experiencing severe addiction. 

Comparatively, kratom presents a lower SUD prevalence of 29.5%, with only 28.1% of users experiencing severe SUD. The largest share (47%) fall into the mild category compared to moderate and severe—this aligns with kratom's addiction profile more closely with caffeine, a legally consumed substance known for its mild addiction potential.

The report also assesses the impact of substances across four key measures: impaired control, social impairment, risky use, and physical dependence. While kratom can lead to SUD, it predominantly shows symptoms related to physical dependence and impaired control, rather than risky use and social impairment. This contrasts with substances like heroin, cocaine, and alcohol, which exhibit high levels of social impairment and risky use. 

The report’s findings show kratom's safety and addiction potential are more closely aligned with commonplace substances like caffeine and alcohol rather than highly addictive drugs like heroin and methamphetamine.

"As the data illustrates, kratom has some physical impacts and can be habit-forming, but its risk profile is significantly lower compared to many other substances. Understanding these risks in the context of individual consumption patterns and risk profiles is crucial. This knowledge enables more informed decision-making regarding substance use," said Lowe. “At the same time, not all kratom is equal. This data views kratom as a homogeneous substance and does not break out for leaf, extracts, and synthetic isolates that call themselves kratom, but are not.”

By considering comprehensive data on kratom, individuals and policymakers can better assess its place within the broader spectrum of substance safety and addiction potential. Ultimately, these insights can help develop balanced public health policies and promote safer consumption practices

For more information and to access the full report, click here.

About the Global Kratom Coalition

The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) exists to protect and expand access to leaf-based kratom around the world. The organization represents the interests of advocates committed to positive change benefiting consumers. The organization supports education and the development of kratom science, which is central to the GKC’s mission—to empower individuals worldwide with access to safe and responsibly sourced kratom products by advancing scientific research and sensible regulation.

The GKC operates on five key values:

  • Access: The belief that individuals should have a choice as to how they look after their health, informed by the latest unbiased information available.
  • Education: Providing accurate, evidence-based information about kratom (including on our website), allowing consumers to make informed decisions.
  • Advocacy: Serving as a united voice for kratom consumers worldwide, seeking fair and sensible regulations that prioritize consumer safety, freedom of information, and good sourcing and manufacturing practices while recognizing that not all kratom is equal.
  • Community: Fostering a global group of enthusiasts, experts, vendors, and advocates to promote the benefits of kratom and fight for informed and responsible use.
  • Responsibility: Promoting the responsible use of kratom and encouraging vendors to adhere to strict quality and safety standards so that consumers have access to products that are safe, well-manufactured, and appropriately labeled.

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