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Global Kratom Coalition Applauds Utah Legislature's Decision to Suspend HB 509; Encourages UDAF’s Drive To Stringently Enforce Current Kratom Regulations

March 8, 2025 8:41 AM
(EZ Newswire)
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Source: Global Kratom Coalition (EZ Newswire)
Source: Global Kratom Coalition (EZ Newswire)
The Global Kratom Coalition (GKC) commends the Utah Legislature for its decision to allow House Bill 509 (HB 509) to expire without moving to a floor vote, thereby avoiding onerous and vague pre-market approval requirements on a segment of kratom products in Utah. While the bill authors should be commended for their desire to strengthen Utah’s kratom regulations, HB 509 proposed pre-market approval requirements that go far beyond Federal regulations. This action would have impeded consumer access to demonstrably safe products and created a costly and overreaching bureaucracy.

"We appreciate the desire for the bill's sponsors to address safety concerns. However, suspending HB 509 represents a positive outcome for Utah consumers and the dietary supplement industry at large," said Matthew Lowe, Executive Director of the Global Kratom Coalition. "Enacting pre-market approval measures would have been contrary to federal law, specifically the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, marking an unprecedented regulatory paradigm."

With the failure of HB 509, the GKC is encouraged by the Utah Department of Agriculture’s (UDAF) push to strengthen enforcement of the existing Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) through ensuring that all kratom products sold in the state are registered with UDAF and highly potent synthetic products like “7” are not sold in the state. This legislation, already in place, provides a framework for ensuring the safety and quality of kratom products. By enhancing enforcement efforts, UDAF can effectively weed out bad actors while supporting responsible businesses that comply with state regulations. 

Funding for enforcement remains an issue in Utah. A recent survey showed that 64 percent of the kratom products sold in Utah are not registered with UDAF. Strong compliance through enforcement will ensure that all compliant kratom companies are properly registered with the state and will therefore pay their requisite registration fees which will in turn help better fund the program. Beyond this, the GKC fully supports the implementation of a tax on kratom products that would give the necessary funding to UDAF to help them better regulate the kratom marketplace. The GKC will continue to work with the legislature to consider a tax in coming legislative sessions.

"The marketplace in Utah will be made safer through enforcement of existing laws, which serve to protect consumers from harmful products like those containing elevated levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine," said Lowe. "By focusing on strict adherence to the KCPA and requiring product registration, along with comprehensive labeling and safety standards, Utah can maintain a safe and regulated kratom marketplace that meets the needs of consumers."

The Global Kratom Coalition remains committed to working collaboratively with legislators and stakeholders to promote sensible regulation that ensures public health and safety while preserving access to kratom for those who rely on it.

About the Global Kratom Coalition 

The Global Kratom Coalition is an alliance of kratom consumers, experts, and industry leaders dedicated to protecting access to kratom while advancing scientific research, driving consumer education, and developing robust regulations to protect consumers. For more information, visit https://globalkratomcoalition.org.
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